Independent Fashion Retailer in Hythe, Kent

Welcome! Visit the high street boutique in Hythe (Kent) to see the ever-changing range of stock. Otherwise browse &/or shop online right HERE! There's no need to miss out. If something you like is sold please get in touch. We'll do our best to source anything for you.

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Select Handbags, Accessories, Jewellery, Clothes, Active & Leisure Wear to browse & buy stock. Join the mailing list to Stay in Touch with Latest Arrivals. Don’t hesitate to CONTACT US if you have any questions.

Exclusive Shopping Appointments

We have busy lives but there’s no need to miss out on high street shopping! Book an appointment for yourself & friends to shop exclusively outside the usual opening times. Call or email Elizabeth to arrange a date for a sociable, relaxing shopping experience to suit your schedule (minimum of 4 shoppers including yourself). Enjoy a host discount of 10% on your personal purchases on the day/evening.

"Lovely lady owns this shop, really nice chatting to her when I visit her shop, also has some lovely gifts, clothing and great earrings"

- Amy (Facebook)